Sunday 13 October 2013

Guest speaker - Keiron LeVine

So for our second seminar for this project we had designer and blogger Keiron LeVine visit us, he shared his interest in all things tribal and these are my notes (take a deep breath you could be reading for a while!) -
  • paper adornments
  • animal adornments
  • Phyliss Galembo - west african masquerades 

  • crocodile scars (National Geographic - crocodile scars - youtube video)

  • different parts of the body and different patterns scarred at different points in life (status can also affect them)
  • strong links to sexual desire
  • important parts of initiation 
  • Ariana Page Rusell (want to look more into)
  • Shilluk and Naba tribes
  • Cultural identity
  • Shilluk 'pearl crown on head' 
  • cultural identity 
  • dr congo - extreme
  • scares can show experience
  • 'skin becomes a book' (look more into)
  • similar to tribal skin painting
  • can portray messages to or from the spirit world
  • experiment by leaning on things (look more into)
  • marks - tiffany barbes - plays with prints from jewellery
  • Kolo markings
  • scars can be outward or inward
  • symbols can be of - bravery, grief and religion
  • spiritual meanings - example - Yoruba tribe's Ogun god of iron
  • Danielle Bietti - branding
  • Phillip Toeledno?
  • 'making memories on the skin'
  • Omo valley - lots of different tribes and mixed markings
  • experiment with rice and papier mache etc
  • things can be rubbed into wounds repeatidly to make a more bulged effect
  • the scars can have no meaning atall
  • scars can be used in fashion, daryl van wouw - glued on studs, alexander mcqueen - scars on leather shoes, wallets and dresses etc

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