Tuesday 12 November 2013

Trials with initial ideas

My initial ideas..


Included -
  • Surgery marks
  • tribal scarification
  • tribal headdresses
  • hair sculpting
  • wet hair
  • braided hair 


Surgery and surgery marks are a big influence to me with this project, at the moment I'm thinking I might combine tribal scarification with surgery marks which hopefully will be an interesting combination. 
    There is a clear link to tribal things in this project and I find that the scarification can look quite beautiful, I'm also interested on peoples views of body ideas (interesting article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/10071794/Cosmetic-surgery-What-compels-women-to-go-under-the-knife.html ). So far I have found the most popular surgery for women are liposction (and other forms of fat removal), tummy tucks, breast enlargement/enhancement, skin removal from the neck and facial surgeries to restore youth, enhance, and create shape.

Beards and Moustaches

Bald caps

We had a lesson on how to apply a bald cap and this is how it went..
 First we thoroughly brushed through the hair, applied LOTS of hair gel and neatly wrapped the hair around the head to get as smooth of a shape as possible. 

Then we put on the bald cap, made sure it was as smooth as possible and cut out the ears and any excess on the forehead.

 Next we glued the edges of the bald cap to the head/face using Mastix glue.

To even out the colours of the cap and the hair etc we then airbrushed a bright pink colour on until the colours had evened out. 

 Lastly we sprayed on a skin colour and blended it into the face as much as possible.

More books

In The Flesh - Victoria Pitts
Reshaping The Female Body - Cathy Davis
Flesh Wounds - Virginia L. Blum
Decorated Skin - Karl Groning