Tuesday 3 December 2013

Model choice

For my facial ideals look I chose Rebecca Eden Cook. I chose her because I need someone who is already naturally pretty but whose face can also take the gelatine dots without looking too busy. I also feel the shape and colour of her eyes would work well with the look. Long hair is also needed for the look so that worked well too. I have also been around when Becca has been a model before for someone else so I know she understands how to pose appropriately.

For my body ideals look I chose Darcy-May Hennessy. I chose her for pretty much the same reasons as Becca for the facial look, but also because I feel her body is well suited to the look (slim body with medium sized boobs so it doesn't look silly when I accentuate them with the dots). Darcy being a model and dancer as well means I know she'll be able to pose appropriately and follow direction well too.

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