Tuesday 3 December 2013


Overall I have really enjoyed this project, after being put in SFX after the hair module didn’t run I was concerned that It would be all about cuts and blood etc, but actually I have really enjoyed being creative with special effects and can now appreciate how much time and effort it takes and how beautiful they can look! It was really interesting to see how quickly my concept developed and I am really happy with my designs and model choices too.     
       I encountered a few problems through this project one was that I desperately wanted to expand my look onto the body but I knew it was tricky as to whether I would find a model willing to be topless for the shoot, luckily I found someone though and I don’t think it would have worked as well if I hadn’t. I also didn’t realise how much gelatine I would need for the dots so I ended up ordering more at the last minute, which was a bit of a drama in itself and I ended up making gelatine dots at 7.30 am in my pjamas (whilst being fed crumpets due to my gelatiney hands!), I made what I needed to though. The last problem I faced was that my model had just had extensions but in her hair, as much as it looked nice it meant that my original idea of wet hair wouldn’t look as good, however after talking to my tutors we decided a ‘Barbarella’ style look would actually look better anyway which I think was right.

       If I had the chance to revisit this project though I think I would play more with making the gelatine dots shiny, coloured, textured etc for a different look. I would also play around with different hair styles too now I know the look suits lots of different things and also maybe try the look on a male with male body ideals. 

Final Images - Body Ideals

Final Images - Facial ldeals

Final Design - Body Ideals

This is my face/body chart for my Body Ideals look, this should include all the information I need to create the look. I decided on this placement of the gelatine dots because I felt they best represented my concept of putting them where women most want surgery and emphasizing those areas.

Product list:

   Face - 
        Illamasqua matte primer
        Screenface foundation palette
        Dermacolour concealer palette
        Natural Collection loose translucent powder
        Illamasqua blush in 'Disobey'
        Illamasqua blush in 'Tremble'
        Screenface eyeshadow palette
        Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow mini palette
        Sonya eyeshadow in 'Linen'
        Bodyshop brown eye pencil  
        Eyelure - Naturalites - natural volume
        Eyelure eyelash glue
        MUA black mascara
        PAM Gelglyk in 'Flesh'
        Kryolan liquid latex
        MAC matte mixing medium
        MAC nude chromagraphic pencil
        Kryolan mini lip palette

Body - 
        Dermacolour concealer palette
        Natural Collection loose translucent powder
        Illamasqua blush in 'Disobey'
        PAM Gelglyk in 'Flesh'
        Kryolan liquid latex

Hair - 
        Paddle brush
        Sectioning comb
        Small clear elastic hair ties

 I've decided to use a lot of those gelatine dots... so I better get making!..

Final Design - Facial Ideals

This is my face chart for my Facial Ideals look, this should include all the information I need to create the look. I have put the gelatine in places women most want to change/have surgery to emphasize them, I feel this is a good balance of how many and what size of dots to use without overcrowding the face or anything.

Product list:

   Face - 
        Illamasqua matte primer
        Screenface foundation palette
        Dermacolour concealer palette
        Natural Collection loose translucent powder
        Illamasqua blush in 'Disobey'
        Illamasqua blush in 'Tremble'
        Screenface eyeshadow palette
        Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow mini palette
        Sonya eyeshadow in 'Linen'
        Bodyshop brown eye pencil  
        Eyelure - Naturalites - natural volume
        Eyelure eyelash glue
        MUA black mascara
        PAM Gelglyk in 'Flesh'
        Kryolan liquid latex
        MAC matte mixing medium
        MAC nude chromagraphic pencil
        Kryolan mini lip palette

       Hair - 
        Paddle brush
        Sectioning comb
        Small clear elastic hair ties

Model choice

For my facial ideals look I chose Rebecca Eden Cook. I chose her because I need someone who is already naturally pretty but whose face can also take the gelatine dots without looking too busy. I also feel the shape and colour of her eyes would work well with the look. Long hair is also needed for the look so that worked well too. I have also been around when Becca has been a model before for someone else so I know she understands how to pose appropriately.

For my body ideals look I chose Darcy-May Hennessy. I chose her for pretty much the same reasons as Becca for the facial look, but also because I feel her body is well suited to the look (slim body with medium sized boobs so it doesn't look silly when I accentuate them with the dots). Darcy being a model and dancer as well means I know she'll be able to pose appropriately and follow direction well too.


I did some final testing of my ideas for my final look on myself, pretty happy with how they came out and how the dots look on the camera, not so happy with how much liquid latex I'm having to pick off my tummy!


Included -
  • gelatine dots
  • braids/plaits
  • natural but enhanced look make up
  • neutral colours
  • surgery marks
  • wet look hair

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Trials with initial ideas

My initial ideas..


Included -
  • Surgery marks
  • tribal scarification
  • tribal headdresses
  • hair sculpting
  • wet hair
  • braided hair 


Surgery and surgery marks are a big influence to me with this project, at the moment I'm thinking I might combine tribal scarification with surgery marks which hopefully will be an interesting combination. 
    There is a clear link to tribal things in this project and I find that the scarification can look quite beautiful, I'm also interested on peoples views of body ideas (interesting article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/10071794/Cosmetic-surgery-What-compels-women-to-go-under-the-knife.html ). So far I have found the most popular surgery for women are liposction (and other forms of fat removal), tummy tucks, breast enlargement/enhancement, skin removal from the neck and facial surgeries to restore youth, enhance, and create shape.

Beards and Moustaches

Bald caps

We had a lesson on how to apply a bald cap and this is how it went..
 First we thoroughly brushed through the hair, applied LOTS of hair gel and neatly wrapped the hair around the head to get as smooth of a shape as possible. 

Then we put on the bald cap, made sure it was as smooth as possible and cut out the ears and any excess on the forehead.

 Next we glued the edges of the bald cap to the head/face using Mastix glue.

To even out the colours of the cap and the hair etc we then airbrushed a bright pink colour on until the colours had evened out. 

 Lastly we sprayed on a skin colour and blended it into the face as much as possible.

More books

In The Flesh - Victoria Pitts
Reshaping The Female Body - Cathy Davis
Flesh Wounds - Virginia L. Blum
Decorated Skin - Karl Groning

Sunday 13 October 2013

Excessive Hair

I wanted to have a little explore of how excessive hair had been used in fashion. We were shown this fashion video featuring lots of wigs which made me start to think how something such as excessive hair that is seen as ugly can really look quite beautiful.

The next thing I came across was the 'Jack' by Breach music video..

Then I found these photos of  hair stylist Teiji's work called 'Hairy Monsters' for PQ eyewear
(Found on Hungertv.com)..



Second Practical

For the second practical I played around with creating shapes and  textures I could apply to the skin for interesting effect. I made these all with various moulds and mainly with gelatine.

Guest speaker - Keiron LeVine

So for our second seminar for this project we had designer and blogger Keiron LeVine visit us, he shared his interest in all things tribal and these are my notes (take a deep breath you could be reading for a while!) -
  • paper adornments
  • animal adornments
  • Phyliss Galembo - west african masquerades 

  • crocodile scars (National Geographic - crocodile scars - youtube video)

  • different parts of the body and different patterns scarred at different points in life (status can also affect them)
  • strong links to sexual desire
  • important parts of initiation 
  • Ariana Page Rusell (want to look more into)
  • Shilluk and Naba tribes
  • Cultural identity
  • Shilluk 'pearl crown on head' 
  • cultural identity 
  • dr congo - extreme
  • scares can show experience
  • 'skin becomes a book' (look more into)
  • similar to tribal skin painting
  • can portray messages to or from the spirit world
  • experiment by leaning on things (look more into)
  • marks - tiffany barbes - plays with prints from jewellery
  • Kolo markings
  • scars can be outward or inward
  • symbols can be of - bravery, grief and religion
  • spiritual meanings - example - Yoruba tribe's Ogun god of iron
  • Danielle Bietti - branding
  • Phillip Toeledno?
  • 'making memories on the skin'
  • Omo valley - lots of different tribes and mixed markings
  • experiment with rice and papier mache etc
  • things can be rubbed into wounds repeatidly to make a more bulged effect
  • the scars can have no meaning atall
  • scars can be used in fashion, daryl van wouw - glued on studs, alexander mcqueen - scars on leather shoes, wallets and dresses etc